Game Fandom

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Runes 4

Mounted Skill Runes

Kangacorn Rune - Special Skill Rune for use while riding Kangacorns.
Lv.1 Rush - Impale one enemy for 2.0 x normal damage.
Effect: Rushes an enemy for 2.0x normal damage. Use takes 20% of maximum HP
damage though.

Lv.2 Kangacorn Spirit - Cause temporary berserk, increased PDF/MDF.
Effect: Causes a temporary Berserk, raising physical and magical defense.

Giant Owl Rune - Special Skill Rune for use while riding Giant Owls.

Lv.1 Wind Blade - Deal 0.5 x normal damage to units within range.
Effect: Deals 0.5x normal damage to all units within a range of effect.
Wind elemental.

Lv.2 Owl Heart - Causes temporary berserk, increased accuracy/dodging.
Effect: Causes a temporary Berserk, raising accuracy and dodge percentage.

Special Skill Runes

Falcon Rune - Special Skill Rune for Kika.

Lv.1 Falcon Slash - Deal 1.2 x normal damage to one enemy.
Effect : Power 1.2x normal, no counter.

Lv.2 Falcon Thrust - Deal 2.0 x normal damage to one enemy.
Effect : Power 2.0x normal, no counter.

Lv.3 Falcon Storm Thrust - Deal 3.0 x normal damage to one enemy.
Effect : Power 3.0x normal, no counter.

Swallow Rune - Special Skill Rune for Kyril.

Lv.1 = Flying Swallow - Deal 0.8 x normal damage to one enemy.
Effect : Power 0,8x normal damage to 1 enemy.

Lv.2 = Flying Swallow Cut - Deal 0.5 x normal damage to enemies within range.
Effect : Power 0,5x normal damage.

Lv.3 = Flying swallow slash - deal 3.0x normal damage to one enemy
Effect : Power 3.0x normal damage to one enemy.

Shrike Rune - Special Skill Rune for Mizuki.

Lv.1 Shrike Impale - Impale one enemy for 1.0 x normal damage.
Effect : Power 1.0x normal, impale 1 enemy.

Lv.2 Skull Thrust - Deal 1.5 x normal damage to one enemy.
Effect : Power 1.5x normal, stun

Lv.3 pile driver - deal 2.0 normal damage to one enemy.
Effect : Power 2.0x or 0.5x normal, stun.

Red Rose Rune - Magnificent Skill Rune for Reinbach.

Lv.1 Red Rose Etude - Deal 1.0 x normal damage to one enemy.
Effect : Power 1.0x normal, sleep.

Lv.2 Red Rose Minuet - Put units within range to sleep.
Effect : Sleep.

Lv.3 Ronda - Deal 0.8x normal damage to units within range
Effect : Power 0.8x normal damage to units within range.

Charm Rune - Charms all allies (Jeane only).

Firefly Rune - Lures enemies to target this unit first (Eugene only).

Mischief Rune - When stealing, causes status aliment in victim (Noah only).

Chameleon Rune - Changes favoured element daily (Mitsuba only).

Support Runes

Balance Rune - User cannot unbalanced.

Wizard Rune - Converts 1/2 of magic defense to magic attack.

Sunbeam Rune - Heals small amount of HP after owner's turn ends.

Balloon Rune - Chance of enemy getting a balloon attached when hit.

Drain Rune - steals HP from enemies, Heals HP when owner scores a critical hit.

Bucket Rune - Chance of enemy getting a bucket over head when hit.

Killer Rune - Increases chance of a critical hit.

Counter Rune - Increases chances of dodging and counter-attacking.

Warrior Rune - Converts 1/2 of physical defense to Strength.

Gale Rune - Increases your character speed.

Hunter Rune - Lowers attack but makes enemies always drop an item.

Skunk Rune - Reduces chance of being targeted by enemies.

Silence Rune - Chance of enemy getting silenced when a hit is scored.

Violence Rune - Berserk stage + increased PDF/MDF when HP falls to 1/2.

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