Game Fandom

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Eike's Old Book Collections

Old Book Volume 1
"Curio Delights"

Failure Urn
30 Potch

Caleria Urn
3,000 Potch

Wu-ts'ai Urn
7,000 Potch

Karaya Urn
8,000 Potch

Celadon Urn
20,000 Potch

Gold Urn
45,000 Potch

White Porcelain Vase
90,000 Potch

50 Potch

Scroll Picture
7,000 Potch

Painting: Lady
8,000 Potch

Painting: Sky Owl
10,000 Potch

Painting: Knight
20,000 Potch

Painting: Ruins
35,000 Potch

Painting: Sunset
50,000 Potch

Hex Doll
200 Potch

Sp. Hex Doll
5,000 Potch

Peeing Boy
30,000 Potch

Knight Statue
60,000 Potch

Goddess Statue
80,000 Potch

Sp. Knight Statue
100,000 Potch

Sp. Goddess Statue
250,000 Potch

Sp. Dragon Statue
400,000 Potch

Indoor Plant Vase
6,000 Potch

Rose Vase
7,000 Potch

Plum Bonsai
9,000 Potch

Potted Mini-Cactus
11,000 Potch

Potted Cactus
15,000 Potch

Pine Bonsai
2,000 Potch

Old Book Volume 2
"The Legend of Cyndar"

"Long ago, there lived the elusive Cyndar Clan, whose ruins lie across
our land."

"In the search for the unknown Cyndar legacy, scholars and hunters have
found only death. May one of those brave souls find peace in knowning
that their findings survive herein to spread their rare insights. "

"My Search for Cyndar"

"Far have I come to seek the truth of Cyndar, yet little have I found.
I record my work herein now, for my strength falters more each day."

"The ethereal Cyndar legacy casts a shadow before us, and none can claim
to know anything of their true nature."

"Cyndar went from the north to the south, leaving ruins behind in all
corners of our land. Their leader perhaps kept death at bay with a rune
above the brow, but the same magic may also have forced Cyndar to remain
nomadic. Beyond the many traps set within the Cyndar ruins may rest great
wealth and knowledge."

"Few have sought to break through to the inner ruins, for the darkness of
death is said to sweep away those who try. I myself now suffer this

Old Book Volume 3
"Taraq's List of Finds"

"In my travels I have seen these items, beyond the grandest dreams, But as
the winds of trade are strong, stock will not be plentiful for long."

Karaya Clan
Lightning Leather
Fish Badge
Duck Clan
Gold Beak
Blue Ribbon
Water Amulet
Wall Crystal
Hazy Crystal

Vinay Del Zexay
Master Garb
Turtle Tunic
Black Warrior Tunic
Premier Tunic
Lightning Leather
Thunderbolt Leather
True Byakko Chain Mail
Premier Armor
Wind Amulet
Yellow Scarf
Sunbeam Crystal
Warrior Crystal

Iksay Village
Rose Brooch
Alert Crystal
Waking Crystal
Golden Hammer

Guild Hall
Flame Armor
Armor of Rage
Byakko Chain Mail
True Byakko Chain Mail
Guardian Shield
Flame Amulet
Gold Emblem
Hunter Crystal
Rose Vase
Painting: Knight

Alma Kinan
Wind Amulet
Killer Crystal
Hazy Crystal
Goddess Statue

Premier Helm
Guardian Chain Mail
Custom Chain Mail
True Thunderbolt Lthr
Gloves of Destiny
Thunder Amulet
White Rose Brooch
Wizard Crystal

Chisha Clan
Silver White Robe
Chief's Hat
Prosperity Hat
Lion God Ring
Prosperity Ring
Wizard Crystal
Medal Set #4

Lizard Clan
Byakko Chain Mail
True Byakko Chain Mail
Custom Chain Mail
Thunderbolt Leather
Premier Tunic
Crown of Destiny
Dragon Tail Ornament
Mole Gloves
Counter Crystal
Violence Crystal

Brass Castle
Lightning Leather
Thunderbolt Leather
True Thunderbolt Lthr
Byakko Chain Mail
Chaos Shield
Gold Emblem
Wind Amulet
Thunder Amulet
Flame Amulet
Medicine Crystal
Killer Crystal
Wu-ts'ai Urn

Le Buque
Windspun Armor
Mole Shield
Premier Casque
Custom Tunic
Thunder Amulet
Pale Moon Casque
Counter Crystal
Hazy Crystal

Old Book Volume 4
"Approach These People with Caution"

Watari: Fugitive ninja. Last seen near Iksay Village.

Gordon: Supply shop proprietor in Iksay Village. Says he is practicing to
become a gentleman.

Landis: A Winghorde youth looking for his niche in the world. Spotted in
Kuput Forest.

Melville: Saint Loa Knight. His father is a treasure hunter and is rarely at
home with him.

Ayame: Female ninja. Said to be chasing another ninja. Little knowledge
of this person exists.

Guillaume: Makes a ruckus wherever he goes. Seen lurking about the ruins
on the Ancient Highway. Just who is he?

Hortez VII: Young scroll maker at Lake. Makes good scrolls but is completely
unable to discern direction. Seen in Caleria and at Duck and Chisha villages.

Estella: A travelling wizard now said to be in Alma Kinan Village. Has a
younger brother named Rody. Tends to deceive people.

Arthur: Always in search of his next newspaper story. Interested in the recent
incident at the barrier checkpoint.

Alanis: Nothing is known of her since she moved away. Reportedly seen at
the Great Hollow.

Jefferson: Appears unexpectedly in busy places and assigns titles to people.

Kidd: A young sleuth who has unraveled many cases thus far. Said to be at
the Duck Clan Village.

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